Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Humanities A Spring Syllabus

4/23/07: Begin Reading and Discussing "Animal Farm" by George Orwell
4/25/07: Homework Due
4/30/07: Homework Due
  • "Animal Farm" Read: Chapters 2-3
  • Vocabulary: Chapters 1-3
IN CLASS:5/2/07: Homework Due
  • "Animal Farm" Read Chapters 4,5
  • Vocabulary: Chapters 4,5
5/7/07: Homework Due
5/9/07: Homework Due
5/14/07: Homework Due
  • "Animal Farm", Read Chapters 9 and 10
  • Vocabulary: Chapters 9 and 10
  • Complete the Handout: "Before You Read: Animal Farm Chapters 8 - 10", pages 20-24
    • Do not complete page 23's lower section labeled "Literature and Writing: Feature Article", "Extending Your Response: Literature Groups", or "Extending your Response: Social Studies Connection".
    • Do not complete page 24's section labeled "Writing About the Novel".
    • Make sure to answer the questions in complete sentences.
5/16/07: Homework Due
5/21/07: We will continue watching the movie "Animal Farm".
  • Handout and assignment to be completed following the viewing of the movie. Select to download Movie Handout.
5/23/07: Homework Due: "Animal Farm" movie assignment listed on 5/21/07.
  • The movie assignment is an essay which compares and contrasts the movie and the book.
6/4/07: Homework Due: HANDOUT "Animal Farm Symbolism"

FINAL PROJECT DUE JUNE 6 at the beginning of class.
  • Students will present their final projects during class on June 6.


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