To view class description select here MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS
Monday and Wednesday Class
4/24/07: Assignment #1: Who Created the Message Due
4/26/07: No Homework Due
4/30/07: No Homework Due
- Homework: Bring in 3 newspaper photos that caught your attention. Keep the caption with the photo.
- Complete Assignment #2 "The World in 22 Minutes: Constructing a TV News Lineup"
- Read: the April 2, 2007, "Upfront" magazines article "Is There No Escape?" on pages 6 and 7.
- Complete the Handout: "Advertising: By the Numbers"
5/14/07: Homework Due:
- Bring in a minimum of 3 images from newspapers, magazines (any print media). Images of your choice, you set your own criteria.
5/21/07: Homework Due
- Students are to select a scene from a movie or UTube (if the scene is from a movie please bring in the VHS tape or DVD) and choose audio to match up with the scene. The audio chosen should change the feeling or audience reaction from the original scene.
- Research a variety of ideas that JCS can utilize as a means of communication to JCS parents and students.
- Consider: Audience, Medium. Maybe we need to utilize a variety of media to reach 2 different audiences as compared to one medium to to reach 2 different audiences.
- Use your creative-problem solving skills to brainstorm ideas.
- Bring in specific examples of ideas either in print (i.e. newletters, zines...) or be prepared to show online examples.
- Movie Survey
- Name ideas for the JCS publication
Tuesday and Thursday Class
4/25/07: Assignment #1: Who Created the Message Due
4/27/07: No Homework Due
5/1/07: Complete Assignment #2 "The World in 22 minutes: Constructing a TV News Lineup"
- Homework: Bring in 3 newspaper photos that caught your attention. Keep the caption with the photo.
5/8/07: Bring in a digital camera if you own one.
5/10/07: No Homework Due:
- In Class: Chose 3 images from magazines and cropped them to change the composition of the original image. Through this process we learn that changing the composition of an image can change the impact or even the meaning of the image.
5/17/07: Homework Due.
- Students are to select a scene from a movie or UTube (if the scene is from a movie please bring in the VHS tape or DVD) and choose audio to match up with the scene. The audio chosen should change the feeling or audience reaction from the original scene.
- Research a variety of ideas that JCS can utilize as a means of communication to JCS parents and students.
- Consider: Audience, Medium. Maybe we need to utilize a variety of media to reach 2 different audiences as compared to one medium to to reach 2 different audiences.
- Use your creative-problem solving skills to brainstorm ideas.
- Bring in specific examples of ideas either in print (i.e. newletters, zines...) or be prepared to show online examples.
- Bring in (I emphasize BRING IN) name ideas for the JCS publication we discussed in Tuesday's class.
- "Handout: Movie Survey"
- Bring in samples/ideas of work that can be published in the "JCSzine" (Name to be determined). Items should fall into the following categories:
- Classes Offered this year
- Student Work
- Student Contributions (i.e. work created by others and enjoyed by student)
- Summer News
- Expeditions
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