Sunday, October 29, 2006


All handouts for the Fall project and the Arabian Nights project can be downloaded from HERE (Please Select to go to the page)

10/31/06 - We will go to the Port Townsend Public Library and begin research.

11/7/06 - Work Day. Students need to bring any extra materials they may need from home in order to work on their projects.

11/14/06 - Work Day

11/21/06 - Thanksgiving Holiday

11/28/06 - Arabian Nights project due.
  • Work on Fall Project
12/5/06 - Projects Complete
12/8/06 - Set-up exhibits

Week of 12/11/06 - Exhibits on display. Students will take on the roles of Docents and walk peers and visitors through the exhibits.


All handouts for the Fall project can be downloaded from HERE (Please select to go to the page)

11/1/06 - Novel List and Movie/Documentary list will be handed out.
We will go over research guidelines today.
  • Begin research
11/3/06 - Reminder - we do not meet today.
Homework Due: Have your movie/documentary pick and your novel chosen. Give information to Paulette today.

11/8/06 -
You will receive a specific assignment in relation to the Novel and Movie/Documentary you chose.
  • Work day - Reminder, Paulette will be out today.
11/15/06 - Homework Due: Photo Essay, Lyrics or Video proposal due today.
  • Work day
11/22/06 - Thanksgiving Holiday
11/29/06 - Work day

12/6/06 - Work day
12/8/06 - Final project due
12/11 - 12/15 - Present


All handouts for the Fall project can be downloaded from HERE (please select to go to the page)

10/31/06 - Novel List and Movie/Documentary list will be handed out in Crystie's class today.
11/2/06 - Have your movie/documentary pick and your novel chosen. Inform Paulette today.
    • You will receive a specific assignment in relation to the Novel and Movie/Documentary you chose.
We will go over research guidelines in class today.
  • Begin research - we will go to the Port Townsend Public Library
11/9/06 - Homework Due: Photo Essay, Lyrics or Video proposal due today.
  • Work day
11/16/06 - Work day
11/23/06 - Thanksgiving Holiday
11/30/06 - Work day
12/7/06 - Work day
12/8/06 - Final project due
Week of 12/11 - 12/15 present

WORLD INSIGHTS - Monday and Wednesday Class

10/30/06 - Bring in an "world related" news article or news photo and be prepared to summarize and discuss.

Homework Due:

  • Bring in the number of hours that you tracked doing "screen time" activities:
    • watching T.V. or movies
    • surfing, emailing on the computer (anything other than school work)
    • text messaging
    • iPod time organizing or adding music

  • Be prepared to create a "spoof ad".

WORLD INSIGHTS - Tuesday and Thursday Class

10/31/06 - Bring in an "world related" news article or news photo and be prepared to summarize and discuss.
  • Homework Due: Be prepared to discuss what you found out about NATO and the Warsaw Pact.
  • Homework Due:
  • Bring in the number of hours that you tracked doing "screen time" activities:
    • watching T.V. or movies
    • surfing, emailing on the computer (anything other than school work)
    • text messaging
    • iPod time organizing or adding music

Monday, October 23, 2006


10/23: Bring in an "world related" news article or news photo and be prepared to summarize and discuss.
  • Homework given (DUE 10/30/06): Students will track the number of hours they spend doing "screen time" activities:
    • watching T.V. or movies
    • surfing, emailing on the computer (anything other than school work)
    • text messaging
    • iPod time organizing or adding music

10/24: Homework Due:
You were to track the number of hours you spent watching T.V., movies, playing video games, listening to iPods (any type of electronic entertainment) between Thursday, 10/19 and Monday 10/23. Be prepared to share.
  • Bring in an "world related" news article or news photo and be prepared to summarize and discuss.
10/25: Homework Due: None
  • Bring in an "world related" news article or news photo and be prepared to summarize and discuss.
  • We will be working on creating spoof ads today. Bring magazines from home if you have any that can be cut up. Moved to 10/30/06

10/26: Homework Due:
  • Bring in an "world related" news article or news photo and be prepared to summarize and discuss.
    • Homework assigned: Find out what NATO and the Warsaw Pact are and why they are significant.

HUMANITIES A - Week of October 23, 2006

No Homework Due.

We will begin Fall Projects today. Remember you will be working in a group and researching one of the following regions of the Ancient world in relation to a chosen epic:

1. Gilgamesh - Mesopotamia – Near East (Iraq)
a. Aprox. 2,000 B.C.E

2. Beowulf – Anglo-Saxon – Great Britain
a. Aprox. 450 A.D. – 500 A.D.

3. Ramayana – India –
a. Aprox. 400 B.C.E. - 100 B.C.E.

4. Odyssey – Ancient Greece
a. Aprox. 800 B.C.E. – 600 B.C.E.

If you have begun your research, please bring in your materials on Tuesday 10/24/2006.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

HUMANITIES B - Week of October 23

Resource information will be given today for final fall projects. Topics were chosen on Thursday 10/18/2006 during class.
  • If you were at Neskowin, you will pick your topic this week.

If you have proposals that vary from what we discussed in class talk to me today.

HUMANITIES C - Week of October 23

Resource information will be given today for final fall projects. Topics were chosen on Thursday 10/19/2006 during class.
  • If you were at Neskowin, you will pick your topic this week.

If you have proposals that vary from what we discussed in class talk to me today.

Monday, October 09, 2006

WORLD INSIGHTS - Week of October 9, 2006

10/9: Did not meet. Attended Taha Muhammad Ali readings at PTHS.
Bring in news article or news photo. Be prepared to summarize it for the class, this means you should read the article before you come to class so you have a clear understanding of what the article is about.
  • We will review the posters that we completed.
  • Be prepared to discuss the "Sudan" article
10/11: Bring in news article or news photo. Be prepared to summarize it for the class, this means you should read the article before you come to class so you have a clear understanding of what the article is about.
  • Be prepared to discuss the "Sudan" article
10/12: Bring in news article or news photo. Be prepared to summarize it for the class, this means you should read the article before you come to class so you have a clear understanding of what the article is about.
  • To be determined

HUMANITIES A - Week of October 9, 2006

10/10: Be prepared to discuss the documentary "Promises" and the readings by Taha Muhammad Ali.

Be prepared to discuss Middle Eastern mythology. We did not get to this today, we will do this next week, 10/17.
  • This includes what you discovered in your own research.
Since we watched the documentary "Promises" as a class last week, we did not get to start on "Arabian Nights".
  • Student's will begin reading "Arabian Nights" today.
HOMEWORK for 10/17: Fill out the Student Worksheet "The Children in the Film" and be prepared to discuss at the beginning of class.

HUMANITIES B - Week of October 9, 2006

10/11: No Homework Due
  • Same as Humanities C

HUMANITIES C - Week of October 9, 2006

10/12: No Homework due.

  • Be prepared to discuss the documentary "Promises" and the readings by Taha Muhammad Ali
  • Introduction to Fall Quarter Project

Sunday, October 01, 2006


10/2: Bring in news article or news photo. Be prepared to summarize it for the class, this means you should read the article before you come to class so you have a clear understanding of what the article is about.

10/3: Bring in news article or news photo. Be prepared to summarize it for the class, this means you should read the article before you come to class so you have a clear understanding of what the article is about.
  • Bring in the posters you have been working on even if they are not finished.
    • If your poster is not complete, you will have time in class to work on it.
  • The poster should Illustrate a message (political, social issue, individual right, etc.)
    • Remember you want your poster to communicate your message clearly and quickly through the images and the words you use.

Bring in news article or news photo. Be prepared to summarize it for the class, this means you should read the article before you come to class so you have a clear understanding of what the article is about.
    • Be prepared to discuss the handout "What's Happening in the Sudan?". I gave this to you on Monday 10/2 at the end of class.

10/5: Bring in news article or news photo. Be prepared to summarize it for the class, this means you should read the article before you come to class so you have a clear understanding of what the article is about.
    • HOME WORK FOR NEXT WEEK to be determined.

HUMANITIES A - Week of October 2, 2006

10/5: We will meet on Thursday instead of Tuesday.
We will be discussing your Middle East mythology research.
  • We will begin reading "Arabian Nights"

HUMANITIES B - Week of October 2, 2006

10/4: Same as Humanities C

HUMANITIES C - Week of October 2, 2006

We will meet on Tuesday OCTOBER 3 this week.

Should be complete prior to attending class:
  1. Movie handout "Gates of Jerusalem"
  2. Handout "Comparing Christianity, Judaism, and Islam"
  3. Handout "PREVIEWING ACTIVITY 'Student Worksheet: What Do You Know?'"
  4. Read only the handouts "PREVIEWING ACTIVITY 'Background and Context: Glossary'" and "A Sharper Focus"
It is important that you have your homework completed as it prepares you for today's class.